Pepha- Age


  • Pepha- Age


  • Scenedesmus Rubescens Extract


  • Emollient Ingredients


  • 1kg-5kg-10kg-20kg/ pack – Retail available


  • South Korea


Scenedesmus Rubescens Extract contains many minerals (such as Na, K, Ca, Mg, Se, Br, etc.), vitamins (vitamin B12 content is more than in vegetables. The content of vitamin B3 and vitamin C is also very rich, beta-carotene , B complex vitamins, and vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K), highly unsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, glycolipids; free amino acids and peptides, as well as organic acids, lectins, phenolic compounds or pigments…

 – Protects the skin barrier, captures the free radicals.

– Boosts the collagen synthesis.

– Stimulate skin’s own defense against the negative impact of blue light.

New outstanding in vivo study results showed PEPHA®-AGE reduces immediately and strongly the skin hyper pigmentation and irritation after blue light exposure and restore an even skin tone.

– Natural moisturizing and sun protection thanks to the active ingredient polysaccharide.

– Antibacterial: Seaweed contains a rich amount of iodine present in many types of natural antibacterial substances.

– Softens, restores skin vitality with long-lasting effect.

– Scenedesmus Rubescens Extract  makes toxins under the skin to be excreted and shrink pores.


 – Lotion, serum, mask, skin care cream,  suncreen…

* Store in a cool, dry place. Avoid direct sunlight.

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